Wednesday, April 08, 2009

State of Mind

This does not bode well.



At 8:10 AM, Blogger Ann said...

This, THIS!, is the post I "yay-ed" about? Kidding, I like the picture.

At any rate, ma'am, you are officially UNALLOWED to let yourself slip into a funk. I've been good and stayed out of mine for a while now which means either two things. One, things are really good. Or two, one's coming. And if one is actually coming, I just can't have you in your own and unavailable for when I want to soak my phone in tears. For serious, dude. Not allowed.

That and you're fun when you're not in a funk. You're fun when you're funky too. :)

Though, if it does get too bad, I believe a rescue from CollegeTown is owed. I'd force you to come up to BigCity. :D And then we'd

At 8:28 AM, Blogger Dollface said...

Aww dont be sad... tomorrow is things I love Thursday!! xxxooo

At 7:59 PM, Blogger Bizz said...

I'm sorry, hun. :( Hate funks. Hope you get out of it soon. *tons of hugs*

At 10:41 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

Why is it when 2 people are in a funk, it's not any better? If we both live in Melancholy Town shouldn't there be some comfort?


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