Things I Love Thursday

- My birthday So, it was well-documented that I had a great time, even after expecting very little from it. Roomie got me good and drunk, her Boy drove my car and worried about my drunken intelligence, I kissed a boy (why yes, I am leaving out the details on purpose), I got yellow gifts, Spark made breakfast an awesome experience - that was all great. I got to have dinner with my parents last night and got birthday money to be spent on lovely birthday things. It was the people who made it great, particularly Roomie and Spark.
- High-energy days Yesterday, I think I almost bounced out of my skin. My mood was fabulous and the people around me were just amping it up, being clearly amused by me. I was productive but still able to converse with people - often a paradox with my specific job - and the promise of dinner with my parents was excellent incentive to stay cheerful. I was told today that I'm fun to be around when I'm like that, which just serves to make me want to be that happy all the time.
- Blog routine I read the blogs that I follow in order of the links in the sidebar. Therefore, I read things that Spark writes before things that Bradshaw writes, and so on down the list. Some things are opened in the same tab, some in new tabs, but it's always consistent. I have been working very hard to put four new posts between every TILT (though I didn't quite manage this week). I've recently decided that Tuesdays are for quotations from now on, and I'm trying to decide if I can come up with enough links to share with you on a weekly basis to warrant something like that. I like routine! OH! And yesterday was blog post number two-hundred for Ms. Nic. I feel accomplished even if I did abandon the blog completely for quite some time!
- Breakfast Sunday's birthday breakfast with Spark and Roomie nearly got its own entire post, but I refrained. This is a celebration of all breakfast food, though I am particularly excited about scrambled eggs with Asiago cheese and cilantro. Also on the list of spectacular breakfast items are cereal with ice cold milk, whole wheat bagels, French toast, bacon, orange juice, and the nectar that keeps me moving, the beloved and holy coffee.
- Plans You know how I feel about plans. Grand plans, little plans, plans to have no plans. I have some of each coming up. Grand plans for the blog and my own personal growth endeavors, little plans involving cleaning my kitchen and napping and boys, and the plan to stay at my parents' when they're out of town and do absolutely, gloriously nothing. These are good plans.
- Runners up pizza and beer; Sabrina - I adore Audrey, seriously; sleep-inducing room spray; ice water; April horoscopes (it's good to be an Aries this month); sleeping in and taking naps; bad lines that still make you laugh; Slumdog Millionaire - I bought it and I'm so excited; following pretty blogs; letting go a bit, even knowing that it's probably going to blow up in my face; pinwheels with polka dots; photos in which the subjects look excessively happy; finding books I want for bargain prices; Little Red Riding Hood jacket; 90 minute phone calls with someone who is better than family; Louella and tulips and failed lemon cake; getting it off my chest; gas station clerks who check on you through the windows as you wait for the locksmith in the rain; trench coats and plotting the best way to use it (naughty); feeling beautiful; feeling loved; "I cannot sleep when you're in my bed."; open minds; receiving chats.
What's rocking your socks and ringing your bell?
Labels: TILT
Your photos are so great and unique... where do you find them? I cant find such great ones on google image.... Thursday's NYT makes me happy... as well as a Yankees game tomorrow with my bf and a baby shower of my first preggo friend.... enjoy your Friday! xoxo
1. This post. 2. Your face. 3. "She'd turn around and kick the wolf in the balls. 4. Breakfast! 5. Weekend plans.
I added tags to the photos that I could remember the origins of. Some of it is stuff that I've had sitting in my computer for ages that tickles my fancy the day that I'm writing. Google image searches tend not to work well for me either.
Today I'm absolutely crazy about my sisters. I'm planning a post on my own blog for later today, so I'll explain why there. :)
Also, Soft baked milk chocolate macadamia nut cookies; European chocolate; potential (I have an update...I'm calling you tonight if you're free).
AND. I laughed right out loud at your "line" comment. Teehee!
OH! And I like that the order you read your blogs is similar to mine...aka, alphabetically. Which is why Spark gets read first by both of us, but you're second in my list.
1. Fridays- the hopefulness of the weekend is upon me. 2. Remembering all the good stuff that happened this week. 3. Forgetting the bad. 4. Sugarless bubble gum!
I love new cities. Good pizza. Great sushi. Pretty views. And going back to the start.
Audrey is love. ^_^
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