Sunday, August 17, 2008


An observation: If you wake up and feel bad before you go to work, you will feel like hell by the time you get home. It isn't worth it; just call in sick.

One day, I will figure out how to make that observation a rule for myself. I relearned it this Friday and have consequently spent the last two days lying on my couch, sipping Vitamin Water and taking NyQuil. The highlight of the weekend was getting to watch Michael Phelps win his eighth gold medal on Saturday evening. Otherwise, I've done a whole lot of nothing this weekend but sleep.

Another observation: Kissing someone makes you think about that someone a lot, whether you like him or not. If you think of nothing else, you will think of kissing him again.

Will I kiss him again? Probably not. The opportunity isn't likely to come around again unless I make some sort of effort, and I am not the sort of girl to make the effort in a situation like this. This is a self-preservation instinct, I assure you.

A final observation: Lingering NyQuil in the system leads to posts that are nearly incoherent.

Perhaps this is amusing to others. Perhaps it will be amusing to me. Fuck it, I'm going to soak in the tub.

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At 8:26 PM, Blogger Bizz said...

You are always amusing and I heart you and hope you feel better. ^_^

Also, I'm pretty convinced Phelps is part fish.

Also-also, if it really was the kissing that got you sick, I still say be glad it wasn't the herpes.

That is all.

At 7:28 AM, Blogger Ann said...

I'm with Bizz. On all accounts.

And if it makes you feel better, I wasn't productive this weekend at all either. Reread the majority of the Twilight series, to tell you the truth.


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