Sunday, July 01, 2007

Lists: Because I'm Boring

Things I’ve Done This Week
1. trained for my brand-new job at Giant Bookstore
2. ignored the reading for my class
3. realized my wardrobe is woefully small
4. accidentally turned on the shower when Puck was in it
5. discovered a new Sephora at my local mall (and charged something against my better judgement)

Things I Need to Buy
1. flat, closed-toe shoes
2. kitty litter and some vegetables
3. a pair of slacked hemmed for flats instead of heels
4. two or three skirts
5. more clothes in general

Things I Want to Buy
1. lots of stuff at Sephora
2. new books (with my fancy new discount, of course)
3. curtains
4. new collars for the babies
5. some new alcohol to taste

Things I Should Do (and Would Do If They Weren’t Boring)
1. finish reading The Odyssey
2. do my dishes and clean the kitchen
3. organize my desk
4. rearrange my living room furniture

I’m so boring I can’t even think of anything more interesting to make lists of. I apologize.

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