Things I Love Thursday
Sushi party Someone that the Roommate works with gave her a ton of nori on Monday afternoon. The answer, of course, to a ton of seaweed is to have a sushi party. I do not eat fish, raw or otherwise, so she agreed to make me some teriyaki chicken. At 9 pm Tuesday, our house was full of friends eating food and the smell of soy and sake. The food was delicious, everyone was lovely, and it was well worth the exhaustion the next morning.
Flowers I bought some. I planted them in pots. They now live on the patio outside my bedroom window, which makes me happier than I can explain every time I see them. I made all of this happen on Tuesday afternoon, standing outside in the same cute dress that I had worn to work and the new wedges, happily wedging organic potting soil under my fingernails. It is really very excellent.
Grandma's scarves While I was at home, I did a bit of treasure hunting in my Grandma's house. I was looking for crochet hooks and supplies (which exist somewhere, though I'm not sure where), but instead found her collection of head scarves. I've been wearing them as belts all week. Friday it was a black dress over a navy t-shirt with a red scarf. Sunday night I wore a purple one over a red-orange patterned dress and black cardigan over jeans. I wore a teal gold-patterned number over the little brown dress for the sushi party. Besides being really super cute, it makes me feel good to get use out of something that she enjoyed.
Book discussion It's been on this list for about a month while I anticipated it, and it finally happened Friday evening. Centered around Percy Jackson and
The Lightning Thief, I had four kids show up - quite possibly the best kids I could have asked for. They spent the entire hour talking with very little direction from me, were totally into mythology, and are super excited for the last book to be released. Because it's a teensy plot point, I bought a ton of blue foods as snacks: blue corn tortilla chips, blue jelly beans, blue M&Ms, and blue Hawaiian Punch. It was a total hit and if I could do something that fabulous every week, I definitely would.
Tiramisu dates Monday night, I met Spark and others at Roomie's restaurant for a tiramisu date. Now, she didn't end up eating tiramisu, but I did, and it was excellent. I had a drink and the girls around me practiced their crochet and it's just nice to get to spend time with people I like, especially after spending a (admittedly blissful) week alone. And yes, we are very cool for sitting at a bar in a restaurant downtown crocheting.
(via Spark)
Teensy rays of sunshine half-clean kitchen; mad multi-tasking skills; better-than-expected nights at work; crochet and Zombiebot; books that are alphabetized and Feng Shui-ed; DVD space; a tastier second cup of coffee; learning astrology; book loan; being ready twenty minutes early (this only happens when Nic decides that she doesn't care so much what she looks like if someone looks closely); shirts under dresses; finally finishing
American Wife; healthy felines; feeling like things are falling into place; getting paid for doing nothing; misunderstood words that lead to bright red faces and so much laughing; National Sense of Smell Day (that was Tuesday);
Across the Universe; playing music so loudly that I can hear it outside; kitties on the screened-in porch; "Do I need to ask to see your ID?"; stacks of
Vanity Fair; singing Beatles songs all day at work; cute new shoes; thinking about staying in tonight and eating something tasty while watching my Netflix.
Okay, kittens, I want to hear about your happy week. This was incredibly easy to write (I think with an extra fifteen minutes it would double in length) and I want to know what's rolling your sushi. Oh dear.
Labels: TILT

"At this moment there are 6,471,818,671 people in the world. Some are running scared. Some tell lies to make it through the day...others are just now facing the truth. Some are evil men at war with good, and some are good, struggling with evil. Six billion people in the world, six billion souls - and sometimes all you need is one."
One Tree Hill
Labels: quotation
Running Errands
Today was a day of consumption, kittens. It was weird to have a Monday off work - that hasn't happened in quite some time - but I decided to make the most of it. I slept in, and the last two pieces of furniture that belonged to the girl who lived in this room before have finally been picked up, so I can arrange things in a way that is more what I like. This makes me happier than I even realized it would. First I'm going to vacuum and organize some things, which I've been feeling compelled to do lately.
I needed to go to the bank, I got some coffee at work (because there was none in the house, which was really not okay), and headed to Target. I bought a way-cute pair of wedges, Across the Universe, and a string of really

cute lantern lights to decorate the little patio outside my window. Then I headed to Wal-Mart for groceries and flowers - which are way too pretty to explain. While the lady was checking me out, I realized how insane my purchases seemed. Potting soil, plants, pots, two quarts of motor oil, a package of men's tank tops (for layering), baby wipes (to remove makeup), and assorted grocery items. To her credit, she didn't comment.
It's raining, or else I would transfer the plants into their new homes. I suppose that can wait until tomorrow. I had a lovely little turkey sandwich on fresh French bread for dinner, and now I am going to grab my umbrella and head downtown to meet Spark at the Roommate's restaurant for tiramisu and maybe a tipple*. And I think tonight, I will sleep better knowing that things are back in the places that they are meant to be.
*This is on the short list for my new favorite words.Labels: everyday amusements, rambling
At This Moment
At this exact moment, I am agreeing with a text message that I just received from Bradshaw. I also want a boy who will be in my bed whenever I want him to be. I am feeling like I want that boy to be in my bed at this very moment.
I will not do self-destructive things tonight.
Labels: rambling
Things I Love Thursday

Better late than never, right? Yesterday was a bit of a zoo and all plans went awry, but here we have it!
- Oodles of free time That's what I had while I was on vacation, and it was fabulous. I finished four books, relearned crochet and made a scarf, spend a lot of time writing, watched a few excellent movies (including Sunset Blvd., which I adored), and spent a whole lot of time watching television. While I know that I would eventually get bored if I didn't have some sort of purpose every day, it was very nice not to have anything I had to be doing.
- Baths I love the way that it feels to lower yourself into the hot water, through all of the bubbles, and just lean back and relax. I tend to read in tub and wear face masks and spend far too much time in the water than is good for my skin, but I love it. And at home, I didn't have to worry about when someone would be coming home wondering why I was monopolizing the bathroom.

- Kittens Yes, again. They're oh so very cute. They kept sleeping with me and it's so sweet I can barely stand it.
- Sleeping with the windows open The weather is gorgeous, and without the windows open it's hot, so windows open it is!
- Hometown food The local pizza place is always the best when you haven't had it in six months, right? Especially when paired with a lovely wheat beer.

- This afternoon It's finally time for the book discussion I've been talking about for weeks! It's going to be so much fun, and I am seriously looking forward to it.
- Little bits Bright blue eyes; Make Me a Supermodel; William Holden - yum Sunset Blvd.; text messages about pork swords; Olay Quench body lotion; looking at summer dresses to buy; sandal weather; when things work out, even if they aren't technically good; growls that turn into licks (that sounds dirty, but it isn't); emergency vets; hearing Marilyn drinking water in the morning; excellent teen fiction; scrambled eggs and bagel for breakfast; strawberry shortcake; possibilities.
Labels: TILT
I Hate Coming Up With Titles
Today, driving through Small Town to pick up lunch, I was reminded of the life that I once wanted to live. I planned to go to school in College Town and get my teaching degree while going back and forth between here and there. I was supposed to be dating Iris, and in that fantasy, we married shortly after I graduated. We would build a house away from the rest of his family - they are extensive - and would very quickly become the golden children (since I wouldn't have been pregnant at 19, like his sister, or 15, like his sister-in-law). I would teach at the high school and coach cheerleading, and we would grudgingly attend church each week to appease his family. We would attend large, busy family dinners with his family and quiet, peaceful meals with my parents. We would have our first child within the first year or two of our marriage and we would be blissful.
There was a part of me that believed I would return to Small Town right up until Iris died. At that point, I think I knew that being here would not only be too painful, but too limiting. I began to really get to know the city in which I lived, and since my grandmother had passed away, I had far less incentive to come home on a regular basis.
Now, while I enjoy my time here and relaxation that it brings, it only takes about a week before the quiet becomes very loud and I start to go stir crazy. There is a lot of freedom in living in College Town, even if I'm not in college any longer. There's a level of anonymity and far more possibility than can ever exist in Small Town; I cannot now imagine being this age and living here unless I was already married and "settled." Otherwise, how would I fill my time? How would I be able to socialize and make new friends and meet that guy that I'm now willing to let into my life?
I believe that there are two kinds of people: those who are happy where they are and those who feel compelled to get away. I never felt like I needed to get away, and I don't feel like I need to leave College Town now, a compulsion that most of my peers seem to feel keenly. I am very much a girl who is happy where she is. Perhaps you can even say that I dislike change. As the majority of the people I am close to either leave or plan to leave, I realize two things. First, I'm weird to be this age and at this place and be perfectly comfortable where I am. Second, I am attracted to those restless people who must have change. Perhaps that's a self-preservational sort of thing; I don't tend to keep in touch with people who leave, and when people are around too long I nearly always find a flaw and begin to detest them.
Who are you? What are your thoughts on who I am? Are you tired of me writing introspective blog posts yet? And, really, do you think I'm going to stop?
I am really very charming.
Labels: everyday musings, Small Town
"raindrops" by Nevin"You forget all of it anyway. First, you forget everything you learned -
the dates of the Hay-Herran Treaty and the Pythagorean theorem. You especially
forget everything you didn't really learn, but just memorized the night before.
You forget the names of all but one or two of your teachers, and eventually
you'll forget those too. You forget your junior year class schedule and where
you used to sit and your best friend's home phone number and the lyrics to that
song you must have played a million times.... And eventually, but slowly, oh so
slowly, you forget your humiliations - even the ones that seemed indelible just
fadeaway. You forget who was cool and who was not, who was pretty, smart,
athletic, and not. Who went to a good college. Who threw the best parties. Who
could get you pot. You forget all of them. Even the ones you said you loved, and
even the ones you actually did. They're the last to go. And then once you've
forgotten enough, you love someone else."
Gabrielle Zevin,
Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac Labels: quotation
Knees and Toes
As an exercise in confidence, I am going to list every physical attribute about myself that I love. I spend an awful lot of time being critical of myself and not focusing on what I like, which is silly when you stop to think about it.
- the red in my hair - both natural and chemically-enhanced
- my long eyelashes
- the changing colors of my eyes - ranging from gray-blue to green-blue to an almost-true blue
- my earlobes
- the tattoo behind my ear
- my cheekbones
- the angles of my clavicles
- my forearms, particularly my wrists
- my fingers
- the narrow point on my waist
- the curve from the small of my back down to my derriere
- my ankles
- the tops of my feet
A longer list than expected, but worth writing. I challenge you to list at least five things about your own body that you love.
Labels: lists, personal growth
Things I Love Thursday

Again again! I admit, sometimes when I write these, it is a bit of a struggle (because I write it all at once rather than as the week progresses and sometimes I'm not in a great mood when I start), but today's is excellently easy. On we go!
- Vacation It's finally here and I'm in love. I'm house-sitting for my parents here in Small Town, which means that I don't have to talk to anyone unless I choose to contact them. No waking up early to go to work, no rude customers, and no books with Mark Levin or Ann Coulter or W.E.B. Griffin staring at me from the covers. I don't have to leave the house, which means that I don't have to put on makeup, fix my hair, or wear real clothes (including a bra). My mother gave me money for groceries and incidentals, I bought some Blue Moon and discovered tequila and margarita mix in the fridge, and I have every intention of sleeping in and taking naps. And, also...
- Kittens One of my parents' indoor-outdoor cats had a litter when she was indoors. Four kittens, all girls, three white and a calico. Two of them have already been adopted out (unless one of you lovelies want a white kitten), but for now I just get to play with them. They're at that great, fun age where all they do is play and nap.

- Cupcakes I linked a recipe in the Link Share to Chocolate Guinness cupcakes - which I baked that afternoon. I made the frosting with Bailey's and cream cheese and I would show you pictures if I was on my own computer (alas). They were absolutely delicious. The recipe made almost three dozen cupcakes, so I delivered them to Roomie at work and shared with her boss and male co-workers - which made me extremely popular. I also took a plate to Giant Bookstore and handed them out. The recipe has been shared with one co-worker and, obviously, my blog, but otherwise I'm going to keep it to myself. I like this baking stuff.
- Books I'm here for a week. I've borrowed many, many DVDs, and while I'm excited about all of them (as I said), I'm more looking forward to reading all of the books I have here. I just read The Demigod Files, a quasi companion to the Percy Jackson books. I also borrowed Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac, which I've heard good things about. I love books.

- Kit and caboodle steak burritos; planning the book discussion; saying it out loud; Vanity Fair; $2 beers; allowing endings; free mascara sample; movie planning; fancy television; frozen pizza; picking daffodils; fancy cereal on sale; cashmere sweaters; radio stations that have less commercials when I happen to be driving; the promise of a dog to borrow; browsing Sephora with Spark; Tudors night; King Boo and lumas; bathtime; lovely pictures; beautiful smiles.
Labels: TILT

As of tomorrow at 5 pm, I am on vacation. My parents are going on their own vacation, so I have taken off work to go back to Small Town and house sit. Now, there isn't much to do in Small Town since I don't really care for anyone who's still living there and it's small enough that there isn't even a movie theater. There is, however, a lovely house with a giant fancy TV, a big bathtub, kittens, and an internet connection. I have decided that having a few plans can't be a bad thing, and so the following is a list of things that I intend to do in the next week.
- watch Planet Earth (fancy TV, yo)
- exfoliate
- finish the two books I have going at the moment (American Wife and Little Bee by Chris Cleave)
- watch Netflix and borrowed movies
- re-read The Lightning Thief and prepare for next week's book discussion
- sleep in and take naps
- take multiple baths
- go without makeup for three straight days
- eat tasty things
- write
- completely vegetate to the satellite
- blog
- play with kittens
- enjoy my own company
Does anyone have any suggestions? If there's anything that you think I absolutely must do, let me know!
*Read number eight in the photo. I think I should make it my mantra.Labels: lists, Small Town

"Ever since happiness heard your name, it has been running through the streets trying to find you."
Hafiz of Persia
photo "Looking for Love" by Irene SuchockiLabels: quotation
Learning to Live

I've never been a lonely person. As an only child, I learned early how to entertain myself. I read, watch movies, write, browse the internet, cook or bake, go for drives. I am far more likely to become restless when I spend time alone than I am to become lonely. And while there are some moments when I do feel lonely - because I am human, after all - they are few and far between. Perhaps it is judgmental of me, but I've always felt that people who feel the urge to constantly be surrounded by people are somehow lacking, as if they don't know how to enjoy their own company enough to be happy alone.
I have been known to use the word damaged to describe myself, and I think that, for a time, that was an accurate expression of the way that I felt. I felt like something was fundamentally wrong after Iris died, and I wasn't sure how to fix it. I can now see that it wasn't something that I needed to fix, but something that I needed to learn how to live with. I think
I have, and that I can now call myself a happy person. I'm content with who I am and happy with my life.
That I am not lonely, however, does not mean that I always enjoy being alone or that I always want to be alone. In fact, I've been thinking lately that it might be nice to have some company, some attention, some affection. Someone to be my guinea pig when I try a new recipe or to run to the store when I forget the eggs for the cupcakes. Someone to share the pizza and beer. Someone to watch movies in bed on Sunday morning. Someone to give me a hug when I need it and a kiss when I want it.
I am realizing that I am ready to move on, to allow someone to get to know me. I'm lowering the shield, just a tiny bit for now, and I'm hoping that it's enough and that I don't end up hurting because of it. I want to be open to taking chances, this time with my mind, or maybe my heart, instead of just my body. I want to encourage someone who finds me charming. I want a chance to get used to sharing my bed with someone besides Bradshaw. I want to feel my heart flutter at the touch of someone's hand on my arm again.
I suppose some might call be superstitious. I use reverse psychology on the Universe, I make wishes at 11:11, and if I really feel something, I often keep it to myself until I simply can't stand it. But right now, I think it will be helpful to say it out loud, so to speak, to let it be known to at least someone that I am willing to open myself to the possibility. I am ready.
Labels: personal growth
Link Share

Oh, it's that time again. I collect these until I get tired of the "draft" thing glaring at me on blogger - then I post it for you, kittens! The following are things that I have found - probably via other people - that amuse me.
- Happies vs. Crappies is pretty insightful, I think. Do something or shut up - I like that mentality.
- World Clock This is kind of sad and still pretty cool. Some of the stats are amusing.
- Real Age Quiz I am 19.5. Hooray for not smoking and wearing sunscreen!
- What Chuck Wore Baha, purely silly fun. Spark will probably be the only one who appreciates this.
- 99 Problems But a Lady Ain't One This made me snicker. Another thing that probably only Spark will appreciate. (Bradshaw, you must watch The Tudors, seriously.)
- #3 Love Chance EncountersThere's a lesson here. I like it. I found this particular blog when the author started following me on Twitter. No clue who she is, but I like this.
If you have any lovely links you would like to share, give me a poke via Twitter or some such technological wonder.
I am in a weird mood this morning. Excuse me.
Labels: links
Things I Love Thursday

Happy Thursday! Yesterday wasn't so hot, and my mornings have been rather awful, but I still have tons of stuff to be happy about!
- Full weekends Friday was spent buying pretty earrings, eating pizza and chocolate fondue, and falling asleep reading. Saturday was drinks with excellent people, a concert that was better than I expected, and getting my way - even if it didn't end beautifully. Sunday evening was pizza with Roomie and Spark while watching The Tudors - which almost got its own bullet, I swear. Love. I got to sleep in and read things and watch things and be with lovely people. And that chocolate fondue was really good.
- Beautiful books I had read an article about Gayle Forman's If I Stay on The Daily Beast, and I had been looking forward to it. It snuck into the store without me realizing it, but after reading the first 40 pages on my lunch break, I had to buy it. I brought it home last night and was finished two hours later. There's a lot of heavy stuff involved, and it definitely isn't a light read, but I found a hopefulness in it and it's written beautifully. Strongly recommended! (Thoughts about Nic reviewing books? I may bring this up again.)

- Girl movies Now, there are classics that are girl movies but every man should be watching and taking notes on. For example, Sabrina can show you how not to treat a girl. Breakfast at Tiffany's can teach you how to deal with someone who's a bit off and how to love the quirky girl. Roman Holiday teaches men to always pretend they are Gregory Peck. I digress, though I see something fun coming from that rambling in the future.... I also saw Mama Mia! this weekend and the second Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants movie. I have a crush on Dominic Cooper and I adore Alexis Bledel, so it was a great movie weekend.
- Cooking for others Monday afternoon I decided on a whim to cook Asian. Spark and her boy were the only ones able to attend, so the three of us feasted. Dumplings made with turkey sausage dipped in hoisin, seasame noodles with cilantro and cucumber, and strawberry sorbet floats. It was delicious, I had leftovers for dinner on Tuesday, and I'm totally making them again. I'll plan ahead so I'm cooking for more than three people and I won't forget the sugar snap peas.
- Bits of love pinwheels; conditioning myself to fall asleep to the smell of aromatherapy spray; impending vacation; planning a cupcake adventure; King Boo; going for pizza; knowing stuff and being called wonderful; that the proper sticker placement is on Levin's face; passion tea lemonade; sweet, glorious caffeine; i Heart It; tonight's full moon; deciding to go for it; Twitter love - hello, blog friends!; nostalgic junk food; laughing for no particular reason; space heater; movies to drown things out; skipping the awful parts of movies; hoisin sauce - so good, how did I not know about it before?; Percy Jackson book discussion coming up; the chance to use the sleep mask this weekend; looking way cute on Saturday; handmade earrings; excellent hugs; singing Regina Spektor really loud in the car; breakfast bagels; reading Vanity Fair in bed; the elephant at the top of this post - he just makes me smile.
What's buttering your biscuit today, kittens?
Labels: TILT
State of Mind

This does not bode well.
Labels: funk
Losing Control
When is it time to give up? When is it time to realize that there isn't anything else that you can do in a situation and walk away? How do you know that you have done all that you can and see that it is no longer in your hands? At what point does putting in the effort become not just superfluous but damaging?
I suppose, in most situations, the devil is truly in the details, tied up with what is being done and how it is being attempted. For example, there are only so many ways that you can present yourself and your interest to a potential employer before you become the overeager applicant and get passed over.
But when a girl, a brash, unaffected girl who isn't always so forthcoming with what she wants, comes out and says that she doesn't need anything from you but desires your friendship, what reason is there not to respond? And what is that girl to do? At what point does the "what if" leave her control and become something that she can no longer affect? At what point does doing something about it stop being proactive and start being overzealous and, perhaps, bordering on insane?

And even when she recognizes it is out of her control - an uncomfortable place to be, certainly - how does she reconcile herself with this new "what if"? How does she make herself realize that there is nothing more that she can do and that, sometimes, uncertainty is a part of life that you cannot take responsibility for?
Labels: personal growth, rambling

"And once you lose yourself, you have two choices. Find the person you used to be or lose that person completely. 'Cause sometimes you have to step outside of the person you've been and remember the person you were meant to be. The person you wanted to be. The person you are."
author unknown
Labels: quotation
Seen and Heard: Text Tease

This conversation took place on Saturday night after three or so drinks, a friend's concert, and a few rounds of Mario Kart on Wii.
Girl: I'm on my way home if you're interested in joining me.
Boy: (ten minutes later) There are a bunch of people at my house. Come here.
Girl: Not happening. I'm already home, undressed, and drinking beer.
Boy: I can't just leave.
Girl: That's fine. I'm going to watch a movie. You have two hours to consider what you want before I lock the door and go to sleep.
(phone rings) Boy: Your door better be unlocked. I'll be there in five.
I won.
photo via I Heart ItLabels: boys, eavesdropping, flirting
Upper-Level Etiquette
Some specialized dos and don'ts that I think we'd all do well to remember in the case of hook-ups. I've collected these both on my own and from friends' stories.
1. Always say hello at some point during the night. There is some merit in kissing before greeting, but the word should be uttered eventually.
2. Used condoms go in the trash can, no matter what is or is not in them. They do not go on the sheets, the floor, next to the wall, or on the nightstand.
3. Ruining clothing is almost never as hot as you think it is. It is more likely distracting and annoying.
4. Cell phone etiquette is the same as that for a date or a business meeting: turn it off or on silent, and no matter what state it is in, do not acknowledge it. Pay attention to the naked person in front of you. Some exceptions may include middle-of-the-night phone calls from work, the best friend, or Mom.
5. Don't scare the pets.
6. Be considerate of roommates and, in the case of apartments and dorms, neighbors.
7. A parting kiss, unless the night is ending on bad terms, is expected.
Feel free to add rules and share anecdotes in the comments. I'm curious to hear what sorts of things others have dealt with.
Labels: boys, everyday musings
Things I Love Thursday

- My birthday So, it was well-documented that I had a great time, even after expecting very little from it. Roomie got me good and drunk, her Boy drove my car and worried about my drunken intelligence, I kissed a boy (why yes, I am leaving out the details on purpose), I got yellow gifts, Spark made breakfast an awesome experience - that was all great. I got to have dinner with my parents last night and got birthday money to be spent on lovely birthday things. It was the people who made it great, particularly Roomie and Spark.
- High-energy days Yesterday, I think I almost bounced out of my skin. My mood was fabulous and the people around me were just amping it up, being clearly amused by me. I was productive but still able to converse with people - often a paradox with my specific job - and the promise of dinner with my parents was excellent incentive to stay cheerful. I was told today that I'm fun to be around when I'm like that, which just serves to make me want to be that happy all the time.

- Blog routine I read the blogs that I follow in order of the links in the sidebar. Therefore, I read things that Spark writes before things that Bradshaw writes, and so on down the list. Some things are opened in the same tab, some in new tabs, but it's always consistent. I have been working very hard to put four new posts between every TILT (though I didn't quite manage this week). I've recently decided that Tuesdays are for quotations from now on, and I'm trying to decide if I can come up with enough links to share with you on a weekly basis to warrant something like that. I like routine! OH! And yesterday was blog post number two-hundred for Ms. Nic. I feel accomplished even if I did abandon the blog completely for quite some time!
- Breakfast Sunday's birthday breakfast with Spark and Roomie nearly got its own entire post, but I refrained. This is a celebration of all breakfast food, though I am particularly excited about scrambled eggs with Asiago cheese and cilantro. Also on the list of spectacular breakfast items are cereal with ice cold milk, whole wheat bagels, French toast, bacon, orange juice, and the nectar that keeps me moving, the beloved and holy coffee.
- Plans You know how I feel about plans. Grand plans, little plans, plans to have no plans. I have some of each coming up. Grand plans for the blog and my own personal growth endeavors, little plans involving cleaning my kitchen and napping and boys, and the plan to stay at my parents' when they're out of town and do absolutely, gloriously nothing. These are good plans.
- Runners up pizza and beer; Sabrina - I adore Audrey, seriously; sleep-inducing room spray; ice water; April horoscopes (it's good to be an Aries this month); sleeping in and taking naps; bad lines that still make you laugh; Slumdog Millionaire - I bought it and I'm so excited; following pretty blogs; letting go a bit, even knowing that it's probably going to blow up in my face; pinwheels with polka dots; photos in which the subjects look excessively happy; finding books I want for bargain prices; Little Red Riding Hood jacket; 90 minute phone calls with someone who is better than family; Louella and tulips and failed lemon cake; getting it off my chest; gas station clerks who check on you through the windows as you wait for the locksmith in the rain; trench coats and plotting the best way to use it (naughty); feeling beautiful; feeling loved; "I cannot sleep when you're in my bed."; open minds; receiving chats.
What's rocking your socks and ringing your bell?
Labels: TILT